Our Story

As a Miami-Dade County Public school teacher during the 1980s, Althea McMillan witnessed promising youth drop out of school because of premature pregnancies. Herself a former 15-year-old pregnant dropout, she was the product of a high-crime, economically-blighted Miami neighborhood. Like her, she knew that her students from similar neighborhoods faced chances of not graduating high school, going to college or merely escaping the destructive cycles that plagued their families and communities.

Be Strong Story, Mission and Vision

The prospect of pregnancy, in fact, drastically increased when these youth became involved in early risky behaviors as a result of trauma in broken families. Many of her students came from single parent homes that lacked the resources, knowledge and skills to break these generational patterns. As a result, McMillan became committed to educating youth and parents on fostering and maintaining themselves emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Her goal was to end the cycle of broken individuals and family relationships. In 1992, she founded Be Strong International, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. She grew the organization almost single-handedly until the community started to take notice of its impact. The organization received its first grant in 1998, and today, has expanded its mission and helped thousands of youth and families. She knew that with the right tools, youth and parents could succeed and live the Be Strong lifestyle.


To provide holistic education and resources to youth and parents in broken families in order to develop and maintain heart skills through healthy relationship education.


To transform communities by enriching individuals and families with effective relationship tools that move them from brokenness to wholeness.

Life Style Cycle

“Be Strong Lifestyle” moves people from being broken to strong:

Broken Life Style

Involves negative patterns from your family history or individual choices that are being repeated

About Be Strong
Be Strong Lifestyle

Involves developing new patterns of thinking and behaving that reform your family or choices