Miami, FL – Be Strong International hosted their one-night only Be Strong At The Table Documentary Premiere on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:00pm at MDC’s Tower Theater, located at 1508 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33135. This documentary is part of Be Strong at the Table (BSATT), a program designed to increase empathy and encourage purposeful dialogue among community members despite their differences. In the film, a mix of Miami residents including police officers, community leaders, and families, all different races, and from different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds, came together to share, laugh, and address social issues, all while dining together.
Filmed locally, by Beregovoy Studios, and with the participation of Miami-Dade County residents, the purpose of the documentary was to witness and learn together how to build a community without prejudice, disrespect, division, discrimination, or racism. While there were sensitive subjects that were brought up, such as social issues and injustices, the audience was able to witness first-hand how community members were able to have a purposeful and productive dialogue with respect and consideration as the root of their conversation.
“We are very excited about the success of this premiere because it showed our desire to mend the brokenness we see in our communities. Be Strong At The Table is an innovative project that will utilize the documentary to show the heart of where people stand as it related to cultural biases, community policing and so much more. Through this film, people will see that although we are all different and have unique experiences and perspectives, we all have the same goal- to see impactful and empathetic change.”, said Juan Camargo, Special Projects Outreach Liaison at Be Strong International.
On the night of the premiere, Be Strong International also launched their new card game, Social Yaks, which was essential in the creation of the documentary. With carefully developed questions that encourages players to empathize and connect, Social Yaks builds and strengthens relationships through play, communication, and fun. Social Yaks breaks the ice and inspires understanding. From light conversation-starters to questions that dig deeper, each level pushes players to show insight and share feelings, experiences, and memories to create empathy towards one another and build stronger connections.
Proceeds from ticket sales and all donations made directly benefit youth and families. Be Strong International aims to invest in the expansion of programs and services that serve low-income communities in Miami-Dade and Broward, through improved organizational capacity and reach.
For more information and updates, follow Be Strong International on social media @bestrongintl or through their website
For donations, visit
To arrange an interview, contact Monika Sanchez at or Nathalia Tasama at