Black History Month, Celebrating Leaders Making a Difference!


South Florida faces many social, economic and political challenges. Yet we also have a growing roster of dedicated, caring leaders who have committed to making life here better for everyone.

During Black History Month, Be Strong International salutes the many Black professionals driving meaningful change at nonprofit organizations, charitable agencies and other improvement programs. Whether mentoring young people, advocating for equal access to resources or providing vital support to families in need, these nonprofit leaders embody resilience, vision, and commitment to positive change as they work tirelessly to uplift their communities.

“These dedicated professionals have been incredible role models for me and many others who want to serve those in need, not just economically but socially and emotionally too,” says Michelle Shirley, Be Strong International’s CEO and Chief Heart Officer. “From Althea McMillan, the beloved founder of our organization, to my fellow members of The Miami Foundation’s 2024 Saltwater Fellowship, these amazing individuals have inspired my career and been invaluable to me as mentors. I’m honored to have known and worked with many of them.”

Here are some of the men and women who have made a meaningful difference in our community and for our neighbors:

  • Althea McMillan (1943-2024+) 

Founder, Be Strong International

  • Dr. Delvena Thomas

Corporate Psychiatrist at The GEO Group, Inc. and Medical Director at Be Strong International.

  • Gale Nelson

CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami

  • Rodrick Miller

President and Chief Executive Officer, Miami-Dade Beacon Council

  • Dexter A. Bridgeman

Founder/CEO, MIA Media Group

  • Yolanda Cash Jackson, Esq.

Shareholder/Lobbyist, Becker and Poliakoff, P.A.

  • Germaine Smith-Baugh

President/CEO, Urban League of Broward County

  • Julie Robison

Founder, South Dade Women Veterans Alliance

  • Amber Williams

Founder/Clinical Director, Upright Spine Center

  • Michelle Johnson

Faith and Community Leadership Liaison, Miami-Dade County Mayor’s Office

  • Shownda Pagan

CEO, Belafonte Tacolcy Center

  • Stephanie Sylvestre

Co-founder, Avatar Buddy

  • Trina Harris

CEO, Touching Miami with Love

  • Nikisha Williams

Vice President of Collective Impact, The Mami Foundation

  • Tiffany Wilson-Worsley

Director of Collective Impact, The Mami Foundation

  • Toni Randolph


  • Symeria Hudson

President/CEO, United Way Miami

  • 2024 Fellows, Saltwater Fellowship

The Saltwater Fellowship is a new initiative of the Miami Foundation that invests in leaders who can create data-driven solutions to the problems facing the community. The inaugural class of fellows focuses on the persistent racial inequality felt throughout South Florida.

  • Kerry-Ann Royes, Class Chair and President/CEO, YWCA South Florida
  • Tina Brown, CEO, Overtown Youth Center
  • Esther Rose McCant, CEO, Metro Mommy Agency
  • Derek Negron, Co-founder, The Light Preparatory Academy
  • Marq Mitchell, Founder and Lead Steward, Chainless Change
  • Darius Daughtry, CEO/Artistic Director, Art Prevails Project
  • Fritzie Santoiry, CEO/Founder, Genesis Hopeful Haven
  • Santra Denis, Executive Director, Miami Workers Center
  • Tina Carroll-Scott, Medical Director, South Miami Children’s Center
  • Zelalem Adefris, CEO, Catalyst Miami
  • Michelle Shirley, CEO/Chief Heart Officer, Be Strong International

These accomplished professionals work year-round for the communities they serve, but Black History Month gives us a timely reason to thank them for all they do. Their greatest work may not be what they do today, but the achievements they will inspire by  those who come after them.

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