Shakilah Elain’s Woodside Story

Shakilah Woodside at Be Strong's Spring Charity Event


Shakilah Elain Woodside loves hanging out and “being goofy” with her friends. She is proud of the medals she has won for shot-putting in track and field, “and I absolutely love hugs!” she adds happily. Shakilah, 12, is a seventh grader at Richmond Heights Middle School in Miami. She has a lot of happiness in her life, and her family is one of the brightest parts. She carries a photograph of her mother wherever she goes. But before she began attending the esteem-building program at Be Strong International, she faced many challenges.

“Growing up, I’ve witnessed and experienced bullying, which really hurts my heart,” she says. “It has made me create a tough exterior to not only stand up for myself but for others as well. I spend a lot of time with my younger cousin, which I try to be a good role model to and that’s where Be Strong comes in.”

Shakilah joined Be Strong After School Club after a friend invited her to visit. “They are amazing!” she says. “I was overwhelmed by the support the adults and mentors provide us daily and love the super fun field trip. Be Strong has even showed up to support our schools’ sports programs when they play on campus. Be Strong has changed my life by helping me bring out the best in myself whether in the classroom, on the field, or around others. I am free to be who I am, unapologetically. Be Strong After School Club is a safe place to learn, grow and thrive.”

Shakilah praises the wide range of classes and activities at Be Strong After School Club, located at Richmond Heights, Palm Glades Preparatory Academy in Miami, and now at Miramar Multiplex in Miramar, Florida. “I heard a lot of good things about Be Strong, and that’s why I decided to join. Now, I can be one of those good things too. Be Strong has helped me visualize my future even clearer,” Shakilah says. “I see myself attending college and doing Track and Field while uplifting others in the process.” One of the great lessons she learned at Be Strong After School Club comes from Mrs. Vanessa, who teaches culinary arts, “You don’t have to do anything special to be special.”

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